Restorative Medicine Conversations
We have developed a new series of podcasts that explores and discusses the latest in integrative medicines. Join us every month as we interview medical doctors, nurse practitioners, naturopaths, and other healthcare professionals and ask them about their own experiences and opinions regarding a range of topics.
Restorative Medicine Conversations
Spelman Report feat. David Hoffmann, BSc FNIMH, RH (AHG)
Kevin Spelman
Season 1
Episode 6
We are proud to present your April, 2021 issue of The Spelman Report: PhytoPharmacology Review. In our New Research section this month (at 0:38), Dr. Spelman reviews the treatment of eczema with a topical solution of Sambucus ebulus. Additionally, (at 4:05) his Topic of the Day discusses polyphenols pleiotropic activity and Big Pharma’s reaction. Lastly, (at 24:21) he will conclude the interview with David Hoffmann, BSc, FNIMH, RH (AHG). We are so pleased to provide you the most up-to-date information on advancements in botanical science. As always, thank you so much for subscribing. We truly look forward to connecting with you again soon. Stay well.